Monday, December 15, 2014

The Holiday Party: A Creative Writing Assignment

Inspired by Business Shoes by Valerie Coahuilas

Tonight's the night. The annual company holiday party. It's only my second one, but the thought of it always gets me so excited. The room is decorated in white, like a winter wonderland but it looks super cool because all of the lights are different colors so the room looks like a prism or something. I love it. The last company I worked for had a holiday party too but it was just a bunch of the office people at someone's house wearing ugly sweaters, which sounds really boring compared to this one. Last weekend, I bought the most gorgeous shoes to go with my dress. It took me over an hour to pick them out, but the whole thing was totally worth it. They're purple, my favorite color, and match my dress perfectly.
By Valerie Coahuilas
Business Shoes by Valerie Coahuilas

            Do you want to know a secret? I might or might not be trying to impress some people at the party. Not in a "hey I'm a good co-worker" way, but in a "hey give me a promotion and a raise" way or a "hey I'm a great person we should go out sometime" way.
            You see, my boss, Frank, has been hinting about a promotion for a few weeks now and my guess is that he's secretly going to be observing people at the party. But that's just my theory. And of course I want the promotion (and the raise that comes along with it). I love Frank...not in the way you're thinking though. He's just a great boss. In the two years I've been working for him, I don't we've ever had a bad encounter. I mean, of course at the beginning I had a few mishaps but he always kept his cool and told me how to correct my mistakes. I'm sure that in his head he was saying other things but at least he was polite to me on the outside.
            And then there's Greg, Frank's right-hand man and probably my favorite person in the office. He's exactly what you would picture if someone says "nerd-chic". I'm talking khakis, skinny tie, hair gelled back, and everything else you're probably thinking of. Lately we've become pretty good friends, and I really want to ask him out for drinks, but I don't know if that would be considered "overstepping boundaries" since he's so much higher on the food chain than I am. I've surveyed a few of my friends that work in the cubicles around me and I've gotten mixed reactions when I ask them what they think.
            I have tonight planned out in my head. Everyone is going to be mingling around the ballroom, drinks flowing, and snow falling in the corners of the room. Greg and Frank will be standing by one of the many bars and I'll casually order my drink and strike up a conversation with them. Frank will laugh, Greg will give me a charming smile, and my night will be successful. And my shoes will look amazing with my dress and I won't spill anything either. How does that sound for a good night?
            Do I think any of this will actually happen? Maybe. The Greg thing has a chance but as much as I would love it, I don't think I'll be the one getting the promotion. But hey, a girl can hope, right?